12 mars 2009

Publication de la première étude scientifique au monde sur l'utilisation de la thérapie hyperbare basse pression pour les enfants affectés par l'autisme :
''Hyperbaric treatment for children with autism: a multicenter, randomized, double blind,
controlled trial''

''Conclusions: Les enfants avec l'autisme qui ont reçu 40 sessions d'une heure du traitement hyperbare à 1.3 atm et 24% d'oxygène ont eu des améliorations significatives dans le fonctionnement global, la réceptivité au langage, l'interaction sociale, le contact visuel et la conscience sensorielle comparativement aux enfants qui ont reçu de l'air ambiant (21%) légèrement pressurisé (1.03 atm).''Par Dr Daniel Rossignol et Collègues

Références à l'étude dans les nouvelles:

Autisme: l'oxygène hyperbare pourrait être efficace selon une étude

Hyperbaric therapy shows promise for autism treatment
MedIll Reports

Can hyperbaric oxygen therapy help autistic kids?
Scientific American

Hyperbaric Therapy Called Effective Against Autism
MedPage Today

Hyperbaric treatment for autism reports significant clinical improvements

Réactions aux critiques négatives de l'étude:

15 mars 2009
The conflicts of researcher Dr. Daniel Rossignal are mentioned by Maugh, "Critics also note that Rossignal is one of the biggest promoters of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for autistic children and has staked his career on obtaining positive results. The study was funded by manufacturers of the devices, who also have a vested interest."
Many of us in the autism community have spent years reading about Dr. Paul Offit vouching for vaccines. Usually he's described as "head of infectious diseases, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia," and only occasionally as the developer of the rotavirus vaccine. The contrast is glaring....NEVER IS IT NOTED that having been a member of ACIP and as a vaccine patent holder, Offit "has staked his career" on the claim that vaccines don't cause autism.
Anne Dachel
Media editor: Age of Autism

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"Physicians, moreover, do not see a biological rationale for why the therapy should work."

Which physicians did you ask about this? Maybe the paper below and others that are following this effect will help lead us to the explanation:

1: Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2006 Apr;290(4):H1378-86. Epub 2005 Nov 18.
Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen.

Thom SR, Bhopale VM, Velazquez OC, Goldstein LJ, Thom LH, Buerk DG.

Institute for Environmental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA 19104-6068, USA. sthom@mail.med.upenn.edu

Ted Fogarty, MD

+ + + +

HBOT for brain-injured children is now covered by Medicaid in about 20 states due to legal action taken by aggressive parents of cerebral palsy children. Like autism, CP is an hypoxic-ischemic brain-injury. All of the FDA-approved uses for HBOT are for the treatment of hypoxic-ischemic tissue where hypoxic is lack of oxygen and ischemic is lack of circulation--which creates hypoxia. Virtually 100% of everything prescribed for brain-injured children is not only off-label but so far off-label that nothing prescribed is FDA-approved for pediatric use--which means “the standard of medical practice” for cerebral palsy and autistic children is the prescribing of medications that are not FDA-approved for pediatric use. Therefore the off-label use of HBOT for CP/autism is actually just the standard of medical practice for these conditions; however, the hypocritical pediatric neurology community demands a higher level of "proof" of efficacy before insurance coverage is possible. The Rossignol study is far, far more of a proof of efficacy than the pediatric neurology community has ever produced for any of the drugs now prescribed to these children. See MedicaidforHBOT dot com for more information.

David Freels

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