Dr. Richard A. Neubauer 1924-2007 was a light in this life, a pioneer, a
leader and crusader in Hyperbaric Medicine for nearly 40 years. As a
visionary he was one who always believed in people, not only giving them
opportunity and hope but also inspiring them to accomplish their greater
potential. Dr. Neubauer was always available to answer questions, he was
a peer among his colleagues, a mentor, a friend and he fulfilled the
role of physician to people everywhere around him.

Over the years founders Dr. Richard Neubauer, Dr. Edward Teller, Dr.
William Maxfield and Dr. J.R. Maxfield together with many of their
professional colleagues Drs. James Toole, Philip James, Sheldon
Gottlieb, Paul Harch, Cuauhtemoc Sanchez and so many others have helped
to raise higher standards for the profession and through their
scientific medical research they have shown the world the great benefits
of oxygen under pressure not only for neurological conditions but also
hypoxia at the cellular level and thereby have placed hyperbaric
medicine on a more solid foundation.

Our respects and condolences go to Mrs. Neubauer who always stood by Dr.
Neubauer as an enduring anchor and solid rock, supporting him as his
partner in life, health and happiness.

Many times the wolves of this life have attempted to take advantage of
Dr. Richard Neubauer's generosity in various ways, nevertheless he
continued to be a man who believed in peoples greater potential and
placed others before himself. He was a light to those in darkness and a
friend to those in need. We believe Dr. Neubauer would want to reassure
all of us that the world will go on and to encourage everyone to
continue showing the miracle of hyperbaric medicine for the recoverable

We honor the distinguished life service of Dr. Richard A. Neubauer as he
valiantly defended and supported the medical use of hyperbaric oxygen
and for helping to save the profession from government termination by
showing a better way thus continuing to give hope and changing the lives
of millions of people around the world. His legacy and valuable
contributions to the sphere of hyperbaric medicine will never be
forgotten. We wish him a most prosperous journey as he swims among the
dolphins in the great oceans beyond.

Long Time Friends and Hyperbaric Medical Providers in California

Patty and Wally Weible

Lane Scott, PhD